Sunday, June 14, 2015

"Gumdrop" Cookies

Last December, I attempted to make one batch of cookies for every weekday up until Christmas. That didn't turn out well, but I saved this recipe in the "Printed from the internet before I even considered a recipe review blog" book. It was probably from, again.

I didn't want to bake something Christmassy and colorful, since I believe Christmas should be kept in December, where it belongs. My dad and I spent a day bonding over our mutual hatred of Christmas music a few years ago, agreeing that there's only so many times you can hear "Jingle Bell Rock" in November before you want to kill something. Maybe I'm just upset because my favorite holiday is Halloween and I start seeing Christmas commercials before the kids show up at the door for their candy.

Despite my lack of holiday spirit, especially when my brother and sister are out of school for the summer, I found an old bag of "fruit slice" candies and figured that I should do something with them.

The mixing went fine, even though the egg refused to open and I might have thought I needed to pry it open with a knife. My fingernails worked, so no egg brains all over the counter.

I forgot that the recipe called for leaving it in the refrigerator for an hour, so I put it in and waited for two. I was writing and lost track of time, actually, but we won't talk about the Pokémon fan fiction on this blog.

Putting the cookies on the tray wasn't quite as easy. The dough liked to stick, and my cookie scooper broke and doesn't drop them onto the tray anymore. I had to shake them off, which worked out until I ended up sending one flying into my mom's pan of tea water. I baked it anyway, on my dad's suggestion, and ate it myself.

Guess which one got flung into the tea water? (ANSWER: The one without the candy)

I didn't really like these cookies. They tasted like fruit bread, and the candy melted to the tray and broke a few cookies when I pulled them off. My mom agreed that they weren't the best, and my brother threw his away with my permission. My grandpa loves fruit candy, so we'll have to see what he thinks. If he likes them, he can keep them. If he doesn't, one of my parents can take them to work. 

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